July 22, 2024

What Tests Are Performed Before Starting IVF?

What Tests Are Performed Before Starting IVF?

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IVF is one of the most effective assistive reproductive technologies. This complex procedure is used to help those with fertility problems to have children. In some cases, it can be used to prevent genetic problems being passed onto the child. This is done with the use of preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). 

The procedure involves collecting mature eggs from ovaries and fertilizing them by sperm in a laboratory before transferring the embryo to a uterus. 

But before the procedure can begin, several tests have to be performed. Some of the necessary tests include:

Blood Group and Blood Sugar Level

Before IVF can be done, your doctor will need to determine your blood group and that of your partner to prepare for blood group-related complications such as rhesus disease and ABO incompatibility. 

You may also need to be tested for diabetes (high blood sugar level). If you have diabetes, it will need to be managed to prevent complications.

Ovarian Reserve Testing

This test seeks to determine the quality and quantity of your eggs. Your doctor will analyze a blood sample to determine the concentration of hormones such as anti-mullerian hormone, estrogen, and follicle-stimulating hormone. 

Together with an ultrasound scan of your ovaries, ovarian reserve testing will go a long way in helping your doctor get a general idea of how your ovaries might respond to fertility medication.

Tubal Patency Test

A tubal patency test is a procedure used to check if fallopian tubes are blocked or open. The procedure can also be used to check the shape of the uterine cavity and tubal patency to determine the kind of treatment a woman needs to conceive and carry a pregnancy successfully.  This test is called an HSG (hysterosalpingogram) and needs to be performed at a specialized imaging center.

Infectious Disease Screening

Your doctor will screen you for infectious diseases such as rubella, hepatitis B, varicella, chlamydia, STIs, and HIV. These diseases could put the growth of a fetus at risk and even lead to severe complications. Doing these tests helps doctors guide their patients on what needs to be done to ensure that mothers and babies are safe.

Semen Analysis

A sample of the semen has to be obtained and taken to the laboratory for analysis. The analysis will consider the motility, shape, and concentration of sperm in the semen. 

If the sperm sample indicates there may be issues with your fertility, a specialist will discuss options with you.

Interested in Starting IVF?

If you are in the early stages of your IVF treatment, you will have several tests to undergo. Reach out to a reproductive specialist like Reproductive Fertility Center to learn more about these tests. 

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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