March 3, 2023

Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers

Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers

Congratulations! After lots of hard work you have made it through the fertility treatment process and now you can focus on enjoying time with your new family. Motherhood is a beautiful life event that many women look forward to experiencing. Taking care of your little one requires a lot of patience and love, especially when it comes to breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is not only a natural and healthy way for a mother to feed her newborn baby, but it is also a bonding experience. Breastfeeding provides many benefits for your baby, such as giving them the nutrients they need and helping to boost their immune system. Breastfeeding has also been shown to help a child’s intelligence and emotional stability later in life. However, nursing can present challenges for many new mothers. Here are just a few tips to help you have a comfortable and easy nursing experience.

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Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

When it comes to breastfeeding (preferably within the first hour of delivery), asking your nurse for assistance can help you get comfortable. Some of the advice they may offer includes:

  • How to properly position your baby
  • Making sure the baby is latching on correctly
  • Allowing your baby to set the pace when nursing
  • Looking and listening for a rhythmic sucking and swallowing pattern
  • How to carefully remove your baby from your breast

Once home from the hospital, some women may still feel a little uneasy feeding their baby alone. Getting in contact with a specialist or asking family and friends for help is nothing to be embarrassed about. They are there to help and answer any questions you may have to make sure you and your baby are adjusting well.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

As you breastfeed, the food you consume will affect your body’s health just as it did when you were pregnant. Because your baby is getting the essential nutrients she needs from your breastmilk, you can be left feeling weak and tired. Make sure to eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein to keep your strength up. Don’t forget to stay hydrated to replenish the milk your body is producing.

Create a Nursing Station

Newborns are constantly hungry and require many feedings throughout the day. Setting up a clean and comfy nursing station can help you feel relaxed when you are feeding your baby. It also allows for privacy and can help you and your baby bond more. A few things you may consider keeping in your nursing station are:

  • Extra pillows and blankets
  • A radio or TV
  • A notebook to track feeding
  • Water bottles and snacks
  • Diapers
  • A comfy chair or couch

Keep Your Nipples Clean

Breastfeeding can leave your nipples feeling sore and rough. Invest in some lanolin lotion to soothe dry, cracked nipples after each feeding. Make sure you properly clean your nipples after feeding as well. This is important to your baby’s health as well as your own.

To learn more about breastfeeding, please feel free to contact Dr. Saadat at our office at (310) 881-8846. Our team is here to help you with any questions or concerns.

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